Oasis to Thrive Women’s Retreats

Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Women’s Meditation & Yoga Retreat
in beautiful, tropical Bali
9-14 September 2024

About Oasis to Thrive Women’s Retreats

Oasis to Thrive Women’s Retreats is a women’s mindfulness, meditation, and yoga experience located, in 2024, in the tropical paradise of Bali. This retreat is deliberately restricted in numbers to keep a sense of intimacy and allow for connections to grow between participants. Our five-day retreat is designed to help you stretch your body, calm your mind, and nourish your soul. Experienced teachers Anne and Cherise will guide you through daily yoga and meditation practices based on the classic teachings of the four foundations of Mindfulness. Nourishing delicious meals and serene accommodations will provide you with the perfect environment to rest, relax, and reset. Our goal is for you to leave our retreat with a new outlook on life and the tools you need to maintain your mindful self.

Your guides – Anne Rodgers & Cherise Vallet

Anne Rodgers – I was so taken with the benefits of mindfulness and yoga with my own wellbeing, I took a leap of faith and changed my life’s direction. I am now a mindfulness educator, facilitator and speaker, sharing my experience with others who struggle with mental health. My focus is on developing self-awareness practices to bring out the best of you. I love seeing the growth that happens in clients as their mindfulness practice deepens. This work is my life and I am proud to say my life has never been better.

Cherise Vallet – I began my personal practice of yoga and meditation around 25 years ago, during a time of great personal change and stress on all levels – mental, emotional, physical. The benefits that quickly began to show up convinced me that this is an approach available to anyone who can breathe! My development into a yoga therapist and mindfulness facilitator has come out of many years of studying and deepening understanding of the intricacies of our human system. We each contain within us all the tools and methods we need to bring balance to our whole system, no matter what condition we are dealing with. It is one of my greatest pleasures to assist you on this journey.

“I absolutely loved our retreat and am still feeling the precious calming effects of this time together!”

Christine D

Our Program

Day One:

Arrive at Amori and enjoy a special welcome drink and snack as you get settled into your room.

That evening we will all meet in the open air dining pavilion for our first meal together and an opening ceremony.

The remainder of the evening will be for settling into our rooms and catching up on rest, though the infinity pool is always available for a refreshing dip.

Day Two:

We will start each of our mornings with a gentle movement session and short meditation before breakfast.

Each day, following breakfast and lunch there will be time to book in for a massage or go for a walk, take a swim, or just rest for a spell.

On Day 2 we will focus on the first Foundation of Mindfulness – our body. We will discuss the meaning of mindfulness, and how this can be accessed through our physical body and senses.

Practical meditations will center on body sensation, the use of breath as object to center awareness, and walking-standing-movement meditations.

We will also include a period of restorative yoga to help release the body into a deeper sense of ease and relaxation.

Day Three:

Our next Foundation of Mindfulness to discover will be all about our thinking mind. Discussions will include using mindfulness skills to stay calm and centered. We will practice meditations designed to use the focus of attention to train and stabilise the mind to be present. We will also practice shifting the mode of mind to step away from unhelpful habits of thinking which include rumination, worrying, obsessing, planning, remembering… all the ways the mind takes us off course from this moment.

Day Four:

Building on previous foundations of Mindfulness, our third foundation will focus on Emotional Regulation. We will consider the effect of emotional reactivity on the body and mind, and practice skills for moving from reacting to responding as a tool for emotional self-regulation.

We will also enjoy a deeply relaxing soundbath experience at a local Ubud centre, designed exclusively for our group.

Day Five:

Our final foundation of Mindfulness will explore how we bring and use the skills of mindfulness into our everyday life so that we feel well equipped to take our learnings from the retreat back into our workplace, our home, our community and use these skills to enjoy life in all its fullness. We will see how releasing habituated reactivity can allow an ongoing ease and confidence to meet life as it is.

Our evening will include a celebratory dinner and performance of local traditional Balinese dancers.

Day Six:

A final morning to practice our mindfulness and yoga together, and to ceremonially end our retreat. After our farewell lunch, we depart – refreshed and ready for life!

“Since the retreat in Bali I feel more prepared to challenge myself to do other things and a sense of not wanting to go back to where I was before the retreat. Have also made the effort to ensure that I do things that I want to do, not just put things on hold or just hope they happen.”

Heather E

Our location – Amori Villas

Consistently rated in the top 10 of the dozens of resorts available in the Ubud area, this hotel is situated in one of the world’s most naturally beautiful, unspoilt places. Here you will enjoy homely, personal service from the concierge, chefs and spa therapists.

Imagine stepping out of your luxurious accommodation to breathe in the fragrant tropical air of the lush rainforest surrounding you. Feel the caress of warm air on your bare skin, and the taste of fresh coconut water to bring you into your day. Hear the call of local birds, the breeze in the palm trees, and the gentle sound of trickling water.

Imagine taking this time for yourself to not only rest and receive the beauty around you in this serene location, but to dive into the quiet space of mindfulness meditation, stretch and deepen into a restorative yoga session, and have your nervous system completely rebooted with a blissfully long yoga nidra practice.

This setting is a safe space for the body to relax, the senses to awaken, and the mind to ease out of its daily ruminations. In this setting you can branch out into the experience of learning through practice what it means to be mindful in all the moments of your life – work, home, community, and most of all, with your Self. Imagine re-entering your world with a feeling of ease and peace, AND with the skills to apply your heart and intelligence into a more balanced, energetic life.

This five-day, specially created experience will include:

  • Accommodation and exclusive use of luxurious and private Amori Villas, just 2kms outside of Ubud
  • Daily teachings and sessions of Mindfulness Meditation
  • Daily morning session of Hatha Yoga
  • Daily afternoon session of Restorative Yoga and/or other experiences of deep relaxation
  • A one hour relaxation massage, plus opportunity for you to book in other treatments in the in-house spa
  • Ample time for quiet solitude and reflection; or visits to local markets/temples/Balinese healers/other sites
  • Fresh, delicious meals and daily fresh coconut water
  • Personalised transfers from/to Denpasar airport
  • Plus other delights in store…

We invite you to join us for this supremely rejuvenating and energising retreat.

Reconnect with yourself, deeply, and then return to your world refreshed, rebooted and ready to go!

“Since the retreat I must say I have maintained my “Bali glow”  and I still feel amazing!!!!
I have been able to keep the 6 kgs I lost there off and trying to practice better habits …”

Tracey N

Booking Deposit

Women’s Meditation & Yoga Retreat
in beautiful, tropical Bali
9-14 September 2024

$300 deposit for Single Room
(total cost: $2597)
Only 1 single room available.

$300 deposit for one spot in a Twinshare room
(total cost: $1997)
Only 2 spots available in total.

Prices do not include airfares.

Once we have received your deposit, we will contact you with next steps to pay balance and other information.

Looking forward to welcoming you into this experience…

Click button below to register and pay $300 deposit for either a single or twinshare space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where in Bali is the retreat located?

We will be in Amori Villas which is located approximately 2kms outside of Ubud.

How will I get to the venue?

Private, personalised transfers will be arranged to and from Denpasar Airport, one way trip takes approximately 1.5 hours driving time. We will also have access to transport into and out of Ubud centre as part of your package

What time does the retreat start and finish?

Please arrange your flights so that you can arrive at Amori Villas mid-afternoon on Monday 9th September, any time after 2pm. The retreat will finish following lunch on Saturday 14 September, at around 1.30pm.

I have special dietary needs, can these be catered for?

The generous and home-cooked meals provided at Amori Villas use fresh and local ingredients, prepared for each meal. Dietary restrictions are easily catered for, and we will obtain any dietary instructions from you a few weeks before the retreat so that we can let them know what is required.

How much yoga and meditation experience do I need to have to attend?

You do not require any experience, just openness to learning new skills. Beginner’s mind is often a wonderful advantage! For those with more yoga/meditation experience, this will be an opportunity to deepen and expand your practice.

What happens if I’ve paid my deposit, but then need to cancel my booking?

Three months prior to the retreat beginning, we will send out Balance of Payment invoices. Your deposit and any other monies paid will be fully refunded (-5% processing fee) up to one month prior to retreat opening if you need to cancel for any reason. Any cancellations closer to the retreat will not be refunded unless we can fill your spot with someone on our wait list.