Our offering to you…

Oasis Mindfulness

Have you ever said to yourself “I need to fix myself” or “I have to escape” in order to start living life joyfully?

We’re here to tell you that you don’t have to escape, ‘fix’ yourself, or change into someone else in order to experience happiness!

Learning to be more present with your-self is the key to living life with all of its highs and lows.


we will help you:


  • Develop presence with your-self to work with greater clarity, joy and effectiveness
  • Learn how to access the inner oasis of calm and move through your life with ease, even in the most challenging circumstances
  • Learn to make skillful decisions and actions from a centered place within your own oasis
  • Allow your inner resources of wisdom, intuition and creativity to surface
  • Open up or dip into your inner oasis resource, instead of relying solely on the active mind to automatically analyse, solve or fix any problems.

Professional life is full of challenges.


Many traditional training approaches promise fulfilment by diagnosing ‘weaknesses’ and suggesting external changes: dress better, influence people, adopt certain business strategies and more.

That’s not what we do.

At Oasis Mindfulness, we focus on empowering the individual to develop inner resources of wisdom, intuition and creativity, allowing you to face any external challenges from a calm centre. We will help you see that praise and blame, success and failure, pleasure and pain, fame and disrepute come and go. Developing more effective ways of responding positively to life.

We will also help you realise that by becoming less attached to things being a certain way, you can liberate yourself from the worry and stress associated with change and uncertainty.

You too can become a business leader with ease and acceptance.

About Anne Rodgers

Anne Rodgers understands the pressures of corporate life.

An experienced business leader, Anne turned to yoga and mindfulness to cope with the rigors of business and to support her own mental health. Anne was so taken with the benefits of mindfulness, as well as the improvements to her own wellbeing, that she took a leap of faith and changed her life’s direction.

Anne now supports people in dealing with the pressures of daily life through mindfulness based practices, guiding her clients to replenish and regenerate the mind-body-emotion connection with an emphasis on breath awareness and balancing the nervous system.

In founding Oasis Mindfulness, Anne combines 30 years of business wisdom with the latest approaches to mindfulness, helping her clients to find happiness and enjoy life, even in the most challenging professional and personal circumstances.

Anne holds a Diploma of Management, a Diploma in Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, and is a registered Hatha Yoga Instructor. She is a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) facilitator and also facilitates for Mindfulness Works Australia, Smiling Mind and Mr Meditate.

Anne’s own happiness is supported by her personal yoga practice, daily mindfulness practice, Argentine tango and rock ‘n roll dance – as well as snuggling her Russian blue cat Archie.

Find out more about Anne on LinkedIn

About Cherise Vallet

Out of the frying pan, into the flaming inferno…

Cherise Vallet began her explorations into the benefits of mindfulness and yoga practice while struggling with a highly stressful management role in the early 2000s. Promoted from the ranks into the role of manager in the company she was working in, while not really having the required skills, meant a quantum leap into stress and intensity. Fuelled by self-preservation, she began a steep learning curve in her role while using the skills she was steadily gaining from her mindful practices. Cherise began to track noticeable results – more ease in her work and personal life, and a sense of capability and focus that greatly enhanced the effectiveness of her pressured management role.

The changes Cherise experienced over this time were so compelling that she went on to train comprehensively to gain her qualifications in yoga teaching, yoga therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction training.

Cherise’s place in the corporate world is much different these days. Through the training and skills developed over the past 15 years, she is keenly interested in sharing the learning and benefits of mindfulness with men and women in the corporate, community, and public service sectors. While a lot of this training occurs in group settings, she is also skilled at providing consultation, guidance and development with people one-on-one, using the many therapeutic tools of mindfulness and yoga.

Cherise is a long-time collaborator and colleague of Anne, and they have led several combined retreats for women as well as occasional corporate workshops. Cherise lives in the beautiful countryside around McLaren Vale, and loves her daily mindful walks with her dog Clover.

Find out more about Cherise’s work at Thrive Therapeutic Yoga + Mindfulness

What People Are Saying

“Anne empowers her students to discover, revel and enjoy the emotions, the psychological and physiological benefits of mindfulness. Her exercises and resources make it easy to continue practicing mindfulness in daily life.”

Christopher Wainwright

“Anne Rodgers is such an inspiration. She had worked in a high level corporate role for a number of years. Great pay, great work and great feedback. But as time passed she realised she was no longer super excited about that work and took a great leap to move eventually to teaching people yoga and mindfulness. I love this story so much because so many people just keep staying stuck where they are even though their ‘time’s up’ is over and they are more aligned and passionate about doing something else.”

Linda Chaousis

“From moment one an amazing safe environment was created. Anne and Cherise worked beautifully together. Complimentary styles but aligned philosophy. Loved every minute, thank you.”

“I feel I have received a gift that is an ongoing one because it’s forever. A gift that is knowing more about myself. Mindfulness has changed my life, inside me has changed, I feel happier and more at ease with myself and others.”

“It is a great course that everyone should do as it guides us to a better connection for our mind, body and soul. Anne has been great in guiding the course.”

“Lead by Anne Rodgers, I quickly realised this lady knew her subject. I highly recommend this course to those journeying through healing, or who are searching for a more peaceful existence. Useful techniques for reducing stress were shared. Anne was methodical in ensuring the learning was directional, easily understood and relevant. Anne is passionate about her subject. She certainly passes this passion onto her clients. I thank her for reinforcing in me ideologies I had touched on over the years…consolidating the learning into a package that was concise and powerful. I came away from each session very glad I had made the effort to discover what this Mindfulness was about!”

Jenni Lee

“Just home from a 4 day retreat organised by Anne and Cherise. Most amazing experience. There are not enough words to express the love, joy, security and reward the retreat brought to me and all of the participants.”

“I loved everything, venue was fabulous, food was fabulous, wouldn’t change a thing.”

“I was living my life on auto-pilot and always trying to be everything to everyone. This course has enabled me to prioritise me.”

“It was all incredibly positive for me in every aspect. Peace and contentment now feel achievable. The single best thing I have done for myself, thank you for everything.”

Tom Fowles

“Every aspect was worthwhile. The different elements flowed well. You work together seamlessly.”

“I’m so glad I made space for this experience. There have been many gems that I will take forward into my personal and professional life.”

“I reconnected with myself, this was a very powerful experience. I also have tools that are working in my daily life to prevent anxiety and allow me to relate better to others.”

“I have learnt how the body, mind and feelings are connected and what I think affects my feelings. Through mindfulness, I am feeling calmer, more relaxed and able to reduce my anxiety. I don’t feel as anxious as before and I am more confident in what I do.”