“Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.” Rumi

I’ve just come from an inspiring two weeks in Auckland where I facilitated a yoga class at the Mindfulness Works Australasian conference. Such an exciting step in my life teaching to my peers.  I am feeling very blessed as I venture out onto new ground, my heart quickening as I accept more corporate gigs, more judgment and more fear. Yet strangely feeling safe to do so, feeling it’s what I am meant to do. Accepting this is my place and this is who I am and have always been. I can just see and feel it now. How liberating this is my interested reader. I can even feel the striving, evangelistic ego self peeling away and moving towards what will be, will be. Such freedom to not want things to happen in a certain way and to allow life to flow through me rather than be identified by so many other trappings. To be present for the universe and its offerings, knowing that with patience the treasures will come to feed your soul. You just have to pause long and often enough and breathe into the mystery.

The difference between fear and excitement is the exhale breath
Liane Moriarty, author Nine Perfect Strangers

Did you watch ABC’s Catalyst recently on the Mindfulness Experiment? If you did you may have witnessed four Australians going through stressful times ranging from chronic pain, feeling numb with their emotions and dealing with grief. What surprised me is they are all living in the community with their silent pain.

I am proud to offer this course to those who are experiencing any form of anxiety, chronic pain and mild depression.